Jun 24, 2016

Friends Of Falmouth Dogs – June 24, 2016 – CapeNews.net

The author Pat Conroy once said Joan Baez’s hair was made of “raven wings and midnight.” He could have actually been describing Jackie B.‘s coat, which is shiny, healthy and soft. And why not? He’s a puppy, and puppies are pretty much perfect. Well, except for teething and jumping and pulling and digging and chewing and….

Jackie B. is a 6-going-on-7-month-old Lab mix puppy. Because he is so tall, he appears older than his years, so one needs to keep in mind that he is all puppy. Jackie seems to crave the company of other dogs but this gangling guy doesn’t know exactly how to act around them. He could use a patient, wise and mature tutor. We know Jackie is a quick learner. He has actually a nice sharp sit (when the inducement is there), so we know that he is willing to learn. Jackie has actually three major needs: exercise, exercise and exercise. And his need for training simply goes without saying but we’ll say it anyway: Jackie needs training. Because of his puppy jumping, he will need a house of active adults or a house along with children over 10.

Lulu is poised to start her brand-new life in a brand-new family, perhaps this weekend. She is a hoot. This young puggle is small and active. She’s additionally fresh and a tiny bit egocentric. In the world according to Lulu, it’s all about her. Despite her size, she is a sturdy little thing and can handle the big boys at the shelter. We find it interesting that some people assume that because a dog is small, it doesn’t need as much exercise as a larger dog. Wrong! Breed and age play much larger roles. Lulu loves to walk, so her brand-new house should comprise an active family.

By the time this goes to press, we may additionally have actually another puggle. (What’s a plethora of puggles called? No, really. We’re asking. We haven’t a clue; we just have actually a plethora of puggles.) He’s a boy, and he’s named Dodger. Like Lulu, he is young. Unlike Lulu, he is quieter and a bit shyer. He will cuddle along with you instantly. He should have actually been named Velcro. He additionally loves to walk. And then cuddle. Dodger is an incredibly sweet dog.

Now that the hot days of summer are here, please, please, please be aware of pets left in cars or tied in yards without shade. Dogs suffer mightily and quickly in hot temperatures. They depend on kind and vigilant people (like our readers) to intervene. Notify the authorities if you see an animal in distress. You’ll be glad you did.

Also, we know the Fourth of July is fast approaching and that means fireworks—often even before the actual holiday. Some dogs react along with abject fear at the sound of fireworks and might try to bolt, even if it’s through a door or window. If you have actually a reactive dog, ensure your dog’s safety by keeping him or her in a closed room along with the radio or television on during the July 4th celebration. Maybe offer a favorite toy or treat. And all dogs should be properly tagged along with identification in case they bolt. They can quickly leave their familiar neighborhood and end up in a strange neighborhood. Wouldn’t you like to know that if a kind stranger finds your dog, they can call you immediately?

Does anyone recognize this dog? She is a female pit bull and was found near Walmart. She was wearing a pink collar and a bandana. If you recognize her, please call Friends of Falmouth Dogs at 508-548-7742 or Falmouth Animal Control at 508-457-2552.

We are at the shelter seven days a week: Monday through Saturday from 10 AM to noon; Sunday from 3 to 5 PM; and Monday and Thursday afternoons from 4 to 6.

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