Jun 25, 2016

Natures Best Cure: Seasonal Cleansing to “re-set” your body! – Macau News

Fasting is one of the most ancient cures of nature. Every animal instinctively fasts when sick, but as human beings, we have strayed so far from nature that instead of obeying our instinctive lack of appetite and desire to purify the body- we often stuff it with more foods to thoughtfully “build up strength”. Ancient sages and spiritual teachers fasted often- not only for health- but for mental and spiritual elevation because they said a full stomach does not like to think. Great Greek philosophers like Socrates, Plato, & Pythagoras always fasted before writing for stimulating mental power. Numerous religions practice fasting, such as Christians over Lent and Muslims over Ramadan, and while the durations, practices and specific reasons for fasting differ, all have similar goals of cleansing the body.

Why should we fast or “detox”?

Stopping the intake of solid food for a limited time allows the body to clean itself and eliminate its accumulated poisons, as well as “re-set” the system so it can function more optimally.

On a daily basis, our bodies are working so hard to break down and process an excess of foreign chemicals and substances as well as break down and process food to convert into energy, while expelling those waste products from our body.

Along the way, our bodies meet so Numerous substances, from food preservatives, additives, GMO’s, steroids, pesticides, along with environmental toxins, that it doesn’t know what to do with and they ultimately end up being stored in various parts of our bodies, such as fat cells and muscle tissues. Its like sweeping a messy pile under your bed when you don’t know what to do with it!

Fasting is turning off the constant stream of food and giving the body a chance to cleanse itself automatically. By giving your body a break from solid foods, whether through a fast or similarly through a juice cleanse, it gives your body the opportunity to stop constantly breaking down and digesting, and instead use its energy to flush waste out of its system that has actually been stored deep within. We end up rejuvenating & replenishing our body’s own natural detoxification processes, and end up with an abundance of energy, as well as releasing extra energy to the brain for higher mental processes. It is much like cleaning the filter of your air conditioner – it can function much better, and not continue to pollute the air you breathe, once you give the filter a little cleanse.

Many people fear fasting or detoxing & think of “starving themselves”. But, it is actually quite the opposite. It is a ritual that has actually been passed down for thousands of years as a way to better take care of your body, so your body can take better care of you. It is a way to dedicate time for self care and for your own current and future health. Fasting is giving up food completely, and even water, and can be observed from a number of hours to a number of days. Similarly juice detoxing is flushing the body of toxins while observing a diet of fresh pressed juices, to remove the fiber from the diet and allow the body to break down stored waste.

During our Blissful Carrot juice detox, Numerous kilos of fresh produce go into making each single 500mL juice, along with various vitamins, minerals & herbal supplements, that people are often receiving more nutrients daily through a juice cleanse, however in liquid form, than they would through their regular diet!

Why do a fast with the change of seasons?  

Doing detoxes seasonally allows our bodies to harmonize emotionally and physically with the earth, and the change of seasons serves as an appropriate reminder that it is time for a little cleanse to refresh the body.

As June 20 marked the first day of summer, 2016, there isn’t a better way to go with the flow of the seasons than doing a seasonal “re-set”, or internal cleansing to “shed the old and welcome the new”. The best, and easiest times to do a cleanse or detox, is during the change of seasons. Just as the earth benefits from the change of seasons, our bodies can also benefit from these vital processes of shedding and renewal.

We are able to balance our hormones, purify our bodies, and naturally rebuild our cells, while flushing out toxic waste. During the peak heat of Spring & Summer, in Ayurvedic medicine, it’s easy for our bodies to get an excess of heat, and juice cleansing helps to regulate body temperatures and bring balance.

You can also sync cleansing with the lunar calendar, as it is best to plan a fast three days before or after the full moon due to the affects of the lunar tide on the body. The full moon is said to be the best time to purify and release stored toxins in the body. A short juice fast on the day before or the day of the full moon is the ideal time to release accumulated toxins and unwanted energy.

On the flip side, the brand-new moon is the best time to cleanse to bring a sense of calmness and renewal, bringing our emotions to a normal state and offering clarity and focus back into our lives. Doing a short 1-2 day juice cleanse on the days surrounding the brand-new moon can help harness that energy of renewal and brand-new beginnings. Whereas, the period of the waning moon is the best point to start brand-new nutrition plans, as the body’s natural appetite and cravings are decreased at this time.

How can I incorporate cleansing into my life?

  1. Do a short routine fast or cleanse, such as one day per week or 1-3 days/month, as a way to give your digestive system a rest. One to three days is a good period of time as a “starter” cleanse.
  2. Try practicing longer, seasonal fasts or cleanses, from 5-21 days for experienced cleansers.
  3. Consult your doctor first if you have any existing medical conditions.
  4. You can sign up for juice cleanses here in town through: The Blissful Carrot, Sattva Juicery, or Greens Kitchen & Juicery.
  5. If you do a cleanse at home, make sure to avoid using a high concentration of fruits. If you prefer fruits to make the taste more palatable, try to keep fruits to a minimum and focus on a high concentration of veggies, especially leafy greens. Use organic produce whenever possible! Cold pressed juices are always best to maintain the highest level of nutrients and living enzymes.

Author: Alyson Lundstrom and Marisa Randles from Blissful Carrot

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