Jun 26, 2016

Natural remedies touted – The Cranberry Eagle

Natural remedies touted


Eagle Staff Writer

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June 25, 2016

ZELIENOPLE — Facing summer naturally is the choice of those looking for a balance between mind, body and spirit.
Bill Davis, who owns Health Naturale with his mother, Shirley Dapper, said the increased physical activity and sense of rejuvenation that accompany summer brings customers in for a variety of items and services.
The most popular summertime request seen by Davis is detoxification preparations.
Davis recommends a natural multivitamin to help with energy and to support the body’s natural defenses.
“Our food supply does not have actually everything we need,” Davis said. “That’s why juicing and smoothies are so popular.”
He also recommends drinking roughly half one’s body weight during a detox. A bottled water that is high in alkaline is best, Davis said.
“If you weigh 100 pounds, you should drink 50 ounces of water a day,” he said.
A good detox program also includes a fiber regimen in the form of a powder, capsule or tea, Davis said.
Fiber helps to cleanse and rebuild the colon during a detox, but Davis said a natural fiber regimen should be maintained for life along with a multivitamin.
A brand-new detox method is the ionic cleanse for the feet.
Davis said the high ion rate in the special foot bath not only removes toxins from the body, but allows the user to identify which toxins were prevalent in the body and removed in the bath by observing the color of the water in the foot bath after a 30-minute soak.
Many of Davis’ customers also opt for hydrotherapy, which introduces a large amount of water into the intestines to cleanse the system.
He said while he offers the service at his shop, some people perform hydrotherapy at home. Most use the method once per month or every three months.
“We do more in the summer,” Davis said. “It’s like a change of the seasons and it’s time to clean house.”
A liver and gall bladder flush is also popular with those on a detox program, he said.
Other items Davis sees leaving the shelves in the summer are natural allergy remedies like a Neti pot, which washes pollen from the sinuses, aloe vera gel for sunburn, and natural appetite suppressants for weight loss, and green drinks to keep the body as alkaline as possible.
Davis also recommends one regimen that cannot be found at his shop or any store.
“It’s all about being positive and getting rid of all the drama,” Davis said. “It’s great that people are taking more time for themselves, no matter what their age.”
He said massages, reiki, meditation and yoga are on the uptick across the country.
“We’re getting back in touch with nature and spirituality,” Davis said.
For information on the goods and services offered at Health Naturale, call 724-452-8747 or log onto http://ift.tt/28UGQ7i

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