Apr 1, 2016

Do a sugar detox! – Times of India

Actors Tom Hanks and Alec Baldwin are said to follow a ‘No Sugar Diet’ and experts have been warning about using more sugar in our daily intake for a while now. The British Dietetic Association (BDA) says, “Cutting down on free sugars, reducing the amount of sugar you add, and consuming fewer products already containing added sugar, in addition to being label aware, is definitely a positive.”

It has been shown to be bad for teeth, is a high source of fructose which can overload the liver, sugar also causes insulin resistance and obesity. Though it is very difficult to avoid sugar, experts say it is as dangerous as tobacco and alcohol, too. Academics are also calling for ‘Action on Sugar’, which is a reduction of sugar in everyday foods.


– Firstly take regular meals so that your blood sugar level does not drop and you won’t get those sweet cravings.
– Eat whole foods in their natural form that do away with sugar.
– Read food labels right. Many a time there are hidden sugars in the meal.
– Try and use alternatives after checking with your nutritionists, such as honey, gur or jaggery and in coconut palm sugar.

– Use fresh fruit in your smoothies and cereal bowls, instead of sugar.

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