When I travel, I like to engage in what I often refer to as a boss detox. This is when I go on vacation and completely unplug from work. I don’t check in with my co-workers, look at my emails, or even let myself think about what’s going on back in the office. I even created this video explaining how I do it.
For so many 9-5ers though, the concept of a boss detox is scary. For some, even mustering the courage to take a day off is hard. Are you in need of a real vacation but have a problem leaving work behind when you travel? Or perhaps you have a co-worker who can’t stop checking in on you when they’re away. You are not alone.
Skift conducted a survey and found that about 41% of Americans didn’t take a single vacation day in 2015, even though their companies offered paid time off. That is INSANE to me. What exactly is the cause of America being a no-vacation-nation? While personal situations and reasons vary, the main culprit seems to be corporate culture. Many people are overworked by their companies, and therefor fear playing catch-up when they return.
As for the ones who do take the time off–they don’t really take time off. According to The Guardian, most workers, even if they take vacation, tend to keep the guilt and worries over work pile-up at bay by staying connected with the office.
OK people. It’s time to get over this hump. You work too damn hard to not take your vacation days. So take that first step and put in your vacation request. Now–when you do this, you need to do it right. Don’t go on vacation and still continue to check in with your boss. That’s not a vacation! Here are my tips for taking a total boss detox.
Pick a co-worker you trust and designate that person as your point of contact while you’re OOO. This is the person who will handle things in your absence. Of course, you need to ask nicely first. Be courteous and offer to do the same when he or she needs to take a boss detox. When you reciprocate, you encourage others to also use their vacation time, and therefor end up helping your company break the cycle of not taking time off.
Next, it’s time to go into super hustle mode and wrap up all your projects before you leave. Before I go on vacation, I stay late if needed and make sure I get all major projects out the way. Then I send a status update to my manager and co-workers. This allows me to relax and not worry when I leave, because I know I handled what needed to be done and communicated with my team before I left.
You’ll need to set up your out-of-office auto reply message and make it explicitly clear you will not have access to phone or emails for x number of days while you are gone. Do not say you’ll be checking messages! I usually write something along the lines of “I am currently out of the office without access to phone or email.” Remember that point of contact you designated? Point people to that person at the end of your message.
Now it’s time to get packing. This is the crucial part where you refrain from packing your work laptop and phone! Repeat after me: “I have earned this boss detox. I deserve this time away from my boss.” So don’t give your boss a way to contact you. You are officially off the clock for several days. But don’t panic. They will survive.
For the extreme cases out there, consider leaving your smart phone at home. If you’re going to another country, you might want to just rent a basic phone. Go Nomad suggests renting a phone through Cellular Abroad if you are an American or Canadian traveling overseas.
If you really want to ensure a work-free vacay, pick a destination that prevents you from easily getting online. Check out this Huffington Post article that lists 11 stunning vacation spots without WiFi. You’ll be forced to unplug and unwind if you can’t trust yourself to do it on your own.
If you think you can handle bringing your personal phone, computer, tablet, etc–then great! Pack them. I strongly advise leaving them behind in a safe place when you head out on your excursions though. Focus on having fun and exploring your destination without those distractions.
My main tip is to just get off your high horse and stop thinking that the entire office is going to crumble to the ground simply because you’re not in it. You know…because that’s not an egotistical way to think at all. Trust your co-workers. They were hired for a reason. If I had the mindset that I’m the only competent person on my team, then I’d probably become a victim of workaholism too–and that’s a scary thought.
One more thing–while you’re on vacation, be sure to snap some fun out-of-office pics. Post one up on your work computer screen so the next time you take a boss detox, your co-workers will really know not to disturb you. Now go forth and leave that office stress behind!
For more vacation inspiration and boss detox motivation, be sure to join the other 25,000 travel enthusiasts who follow Travel Lushes on Instagram for a daily dose of wanderlust. Also, subscribe to Travel Lushes on YouTube for travel tips and adventures.
This post originally appeared on Travel Lushes.
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