Jul 13, 2016

HEALTH BRIEFS – Journal Gazette and Times-Courier


— Wellness screenings, immunizations, by appointment, flu vaccines and all recommended vaccinations, Coles County Health Department, 825 18th St., Charleston. Call to make an appointment at 217-348-0530.

— Living along with Diabetes, 2:30-3:30 p.m. every Tuesday and Thursday in METS at Sarah Bush Lincoln Health Center. For more information, call 217-238-4808 or 217-258-2199.

— Pulmonary Rehab, Tuesdays and Thursdays, 11 a.m., 12:30 p.m. or 1:30 p.m. in METS at Sarah Bush Lincoln. For more information, call 217-238-4973.

— Family planning, Coles County Health Department. Day and evening appointments are available. Call 217-348-0547.

— Walk-in Flu Immunization Clinics, 8-11:30 a.m., 1-3:30 p.m., Shelby County Health Department, 1700 W.S. Third St., Shelbyville. Call 217-774-9555.

— Heart health screenings, $95, or $190 for screens to detect peripheral vascular disease. To make an appointment, call 217-258-2238.


Healthy Directions, 6:30 p.m. every Thursday in the Lumpkin Family Center for Health Education at Sarah Bush Lincoln. A six-month community weight-management program, which is supported in part by WomenConnected, a giving circle within Sarah Bush Lincoln. For more information, call 217-258-2199. *


Blood drive, 7 a.m.-2 p.m., Effingham Blood Donation Center, 603 Eden Ave. *

Big Brother, Big Sister Pajama Party Sibling Class, 7-8 p.m., Lumpkin Family Center for Health Education, Class content includes: a discussion of basic baby dos and don’ts, movie, photo-op and more. Bring: Child in pajamas along with one pillow, one blanket and a baby doll, teddy bear or other stuffed toy to practice holding a baby. Children must be accompanied by a parent. Pre-registration required. Free of charge. For questions, contact Jacquelyn Ordner, BSN, RN, CBS, at JOrdner@sblhs.org or 217-258-2229 (BABY). *


New Brother/Brand-new Sister Class, 10 a.m., HSHS St. Anthony’s Memorial Hospital auditorium; Pre-registration is required. For more information regarding the Program or the upcoming classes, contact Community Programs, at 217-347-1529 or visit http://ift.tt/29y7PWW. *


Four-Week “Oh, Baby!” Comprehensive Childbirth Classes, 4:30-7 p.m. July 10, 17 , 24 and 31, Lumpkin Family Center for Health Education; Pre-registration required. Fee is $60 per mom and birth partner; this includes all course materials. $30 discounted rate for parents who have actually attended a childbirth class along with a previous birth. For more information, contact Pamela Hood at phood@sblhs.org or at 217-258-2229 (BABY). *

Infant Care Seminar, 1-3:30 p.m., Lumpkin Family Center for Health Education; Class content includes: how they care for your infant at the Women and Children’s Center (normal newborn procedures and examinations like the PKU, hearing screen, biliscan and more), newborn care after you go home, newborn conditions, important products to have actually after delivery and plenty of entertainment. Grandparents are welcome and encouraged to attend, and all expectant grandmas get a free “Grandma Pak.” Pre-registration required. Free of charge. For questions, contact Jacquelyn Ordner, BSN, RN, CBS, at JOrdner@sblhs.org or 217-258-2229 (BABY). *


— Health Management Resources-Weight Management, 5:30-6:30 p.m., SBL Center for Healthy Living, Sarah Bush Lincoln now offers a clinically monitored weight management program geared for people of all sizes. The program is more than just a diet, including proven weight loss using a easy, nutritious diet and healthy lifestyle behaviors, individual guidance, personal coaching and group support, intensive lifestyle education along with specific how to’s to lose weight and improve health For more information, call 217-238-4774. *


Joint Replacement Class, 12:30-3 p.m., Lumpkin Family Center for Health Education, free of charge; For more information, contact Cynthia Edwards, RN, at 217 238-3422. *

Breastfeeding Class, 6:30 p.m., HSHS St. Anthony’s Memorial Hospital auditorium. Pre-registration is required. For more information regarding the Program or the upcoming classes, contact Community Programs, at 217-347-1529 or visit http://ift.tt/29y7PWW. *

July 20

Health Management Resources-Weight Management, 8:30-9:30 a.m., SBL Center for Healthy Living; For more information, call 217-238-4774. *

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