Tran started making Pho in Vietnam when she was 6 years old.
Pho, like this bowl in Hanoi, is a popular street meals across Vietnam. Prepare the rice vermicelli according to package directions. Once done, transfer to a colander and drain well. Rinse well under cold running water. Drain thoroughly prior to using.
When prepared to serve the soup, for each serving ladle 2 cups of the hot broth in to a large soup bowl. Quickly dip the cooked noodles in the remaining hot broth to rewarm, then place a handful of noodles in each bowl. Divide the sliced chicken breast between the bowls, laying the slices over the top of the noodles.
Serve the soup immediately, along with the fresh cilantro, basil, mint, bean sprouts, lime wedges and jalapeno peppers in baskets on the table for each person to garnish their own soup. Add sriracha sauce or fish sauce, to taste, if desired.
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