Jul 13, 2016

A nutritionist has invented the world’s healthiest burger — here are the 50 ingredients you need to make it – Business Insider UK

Superfood Meal 05GrouponAs people become increasingly conscious of what they are eating, more diners are skipping fast food for healthier options packed with nutrients.

But British nutritionist Libby Limon has come up with a mega-healthy alternative: a burger that’s made out of 50 ingredients that have names like “Wearnutkin ‘boursin’ cashew cheese” and “white matcha tea powder,” including 21 antioxidant superfoods.

The Nutri-burger, which Limon created for Groupon, is billed as the “the world’s healthiest burger” on the discount company’s website.

Limon’s creation substitutes of a grease-laden beef for a patty moulded out of beet, natto (a Japanese food made out of fermented soybeans), quinoa, and mushroom, sandwiched inside a matcha gluten-free brioche bun. Not only is the burger vegetarian — it’s gluten and dairy-free, too.

It also amounts to more than the recommended daily consumption of five fruits and vegetables, and over 100% of the recommended daily allowance for fibre, vitamins A and C, and iodine, according to the Groupon page.

The burger is available to “buy” for free on Groupon, where buyers can download a recipe for the burger to make at home.

Buying the burger recipe also enters users into a competition to win the chance to eat the burger in real life at Magpie and Stump, a pub in central London, where it’ll be served with sweet potato fries and a “chocolate” shake made with cacao, bee pollen, and activated nuts.

Here’s a list of all 55 ingredients that go into the meal (50 of which are used in the burger and the remaining five for the fries and shake).

  1. Brown gluten free bread flour
  2. Matcha powder
  3. Stevia
  4. Fresh yeast
  5. Sugar
  6. Almond rice milk
  7. Water
  8. Organic egg
  9. Avocado oil
  10. Black sesame seeds
  11. Large red beet
  12. Red quinoa
  13. Red onion
  14. Garlic
  15. Cider vinegar
  16. Shiitake mushrooms
  17. Mustard seeds
  18. Natto
  19. Organic black beans
  20. Organic prunes
  21. Smoked paprika
  22. Wild oregano
  23. Ground white pepper
  24. Sichuan pepper
  25. Ground cumin
  26. Chaga powder
  27. Turmeric
  28. Shoney seaweed
  29. Coconut aminos
  30. Sumac
  31. Dijon mustard
  32. Duck egg
  33. Chia seeds
  34. Hemp protein powder
  35. Coconut oil
  36. Avocado
  37. Heritage tomato
  38. Kimchi
  39. Wearnutkin ‘boursin’ cashew cheese
  40. Watercress
  41. Purple sweet potatoes
  42. Orange sweet potatoes
  43. Black pepper
  44. Acai pulp
  45. Activated almonds
  46. Activated pecans
  47. Bee bread
  48. Bee pollen
  49. Cinnamon
  50. Cacao nibs
  51. White matcha tea powder
  52. Black raspberry powder
  53. Acai powder
  54. Maca powder
  55. Vanilla seeds

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